Niigata Association of Translators (NAT)

We are an association of translators, interpreters, and future translators/interpreters who are active in Niigata. We were incorporated in 2019 as a General Incorporated Association. We strive to empower the people who will lead the internationalization of Niigata and to become the bridge to connect companies in Niigata with the opportunity to be active beyond the borders of Japan.


Greetings from the Founder Representative


We were able to establish NAT thanks to everyone’s support.


Language is essential for understanding each other and creating communities.  Translation and interpretation are meaningful and fantastic professions which bonds two nations’ people, and culture together.

  However, at the same time, it means that interpreters and translators have to face a lonely prospect of shouldering all the responsibility on their own and confronting the language using all of their knowledge and experience.

  It is quite rare to exchange opinions or building relationships between members the same profession. After being on in occupation for a long time, we wanted to set up an association to share information and experience to elevate each other's skills.


 Niigata actually has many people with high level foreign language skills and experience studying and living overseas. NAT would like to help such people make use of their abilities and experiences in Niigata.

We would also like to help companies in Niigata connect with overseas companies.


We welcome not only the current professional translators, interpreters, but also anyone who is interested in working in this field in the future.


February 2018

NAT (Currently General Incorporated Association)

Founder representative


Yuuko Takahashi